
Then there is the one that is possible to acquire through a marriage or the one appointed directly by a souverain through the issue of a decree or patent letter.
Nobiliar checks
Nobilty, especially in Italy, is a complicated matter, and also if most of noble families transmited the titles, the coat of arms, the properties and the Heritage, sometimes it happened that the titles or the coat of arms weren't registered or that these families emigrated losing all their ancestors Heritage.

Enrollment on the Annuario della Nobiltà Italiana
If you have right to a nobiliar title or to the Distinta Civiltà Studio Araldico Pasquini will gather all the relevant documents and will forward your candidacy to be enrolled on the Italian Nobilty Book.

Distinguished civilty
(Distinta civiltà)
After the evaluation of documents and of prooofs that you will submit it will be possible (in case of positive result) to define your situation and to acquire the qualification of distinguished family.
The qualification will be issued with the file including all the documents provided and then they will be forwarded to the publisher of the Annuario, that will decide wether you are eligible to be enrolled or not in the Part V - Distinta Civiltà of the Annuario.
These are the requisites to be enrolled in the Distinta Civiltà:
i) Ownership of a coat of arms since at least 100 years;
ii) Publication of the coat of arms on official armorials or representation of it on monuments, buildings or historical family objects;
iii) Requirement of vita more nobilium: for at least thre generations, starting from the applicant, none of his ancestors must have done mechanic or shameful works and must have played intellectual jobs or had been owners or have covered important publich charges.
The cost of the service depends on the documents to value.
House record
Below you can see a sample of a concise and complete house record

Consult request
Verify if an ancestor was noble or belonged to a notable family.
Also if italian republic doesn't recognize or deal with nobiliar titles, if eligible, it is still possible to acquire the title and the coat of arms of your ancesors or the predicate.
Fill the form and after the payment you will be contacted with the result of the resaerch concerning your family.
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