What is heraldry?
Heraldry is an ancient discipline and science that allows to graphically represent signs and emblems of families, clergy, institutions, organizations, firms and other heraldic subjects and it was born like evolution of the primitive symbology.
The coat of arms start to appear since IXth century at beginning to easily recognize the enemy during the battles and the tournaments, then to make better out the noble families, their rank, title. their offspring, lineage and branches, then it has been used also by common people, clergy and institutions.
Main services

The study is specialized in the conception and the graphical realization of coat of arms or other kind of emblems; after have valuated with the customer the elements to be represented in the coat of arms, some drafts of it will be provided and among them will be chosen the coat of arms.

To search a family coat of arms means to discover his own heritage, the rank of a family, his history, alliances, relationships, honours, properties and the many other facts that it is possible to see represented on it.

Among the heraldry consultings that are possible to provide there are the datation of a coat of arms, the correct blazon of it, the analysis and the meaning of it, to check if it already belongs to someone and if it is already listed or registered in any kind of book, armorial or other heraldry archive.

The study is the inventor and the curator of the Italian Armorial Register and it look after both for the safeguard and the registration of heraldry devices.

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